Our Partners

Our partners have utilized goShadow to co-design and transform processes, along with care delivery, in organizations worldwide.

Our work with this leading healthcare system has resulted in improved scheduling, significant financial savings, greater dedication to customer experience, and a more comprehensive understanding of individual segments of this expansive organization, goShadow has remained instrumental in each of these enhancements.

goShadow was used to identify how current food partners could be better leveraged to help expand food distribution through partnerships with other local non-profits.

goShadow has continually driven results and projects for this innovation center. Utilizing process mapping has allowed the IC to produce significant collateral and documentation of their findings in order to enact change faster than ever before throughout their healthcare system.

goShadow was utilized to test a pilot program for healthy food distribution in the greater Pittsburgh area.  The implementation of shadowing led to a major reduction in overhead costs associated with the program.  This lens allowed management to ultimately end the program and revisit new options, without losing money on an insufficient initiative.

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