Asking your team for their input, feedback, and opportunities for improvement is only as good as listening to their voices, hearing what they’re saying, and acting from their suggestions. Often employees feel as though they are participating in another survey or debrief that they will never see the results of or action from. Taking individual feedback and funneling it into team-based improvement approaches is one way to engage end users in constructive change that transforms work and care.
Our data overwhelmingly shows that staff want to be included and communicated with, feel safe–physically and psychosocially, and to be supported and valued in their jobs. The real challenge lies within transforming this data into long-lasting change that supports both the individual, as well as the team.

A recent article in the NEJM Catalyst identified three ways leaders can take individual feedback to improve and regenerate their teams as they recover from Covid-19, which can also be applied to “normal” circumstances. Leaders can first take a team approach, identify and designate the change, and finally reflect on changes with the team to modify as needed.
Teams are unique in that they have shared experiences, bonding them together and creating a sense of unity. Recognizing, listening, and supporting teams is just as important as the individual. Ensuring that the team is regenerated, rather than just the individual, allows for more impactful change. Consider using the WMTY framework to host team debrief sessions to understand the collective experience and recognize teams or sub-teams throughout your organization for their hard work.
Next, regeneration must be marked by leaders - the change must be identified and designated, have meaning, and proper recognition of what the team has previously experienced. To recover from a large incident, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the authors suggest hosting an event such as an annual retreat.
Lastly, regeneration must allow time for reflection and learning - something that does not always happen in healthcare. As a team, reflect on what happened, what changes you want to keep and which you want to discontinue. Make it a habit to debrief after large and small scale events so it becomes ingrained in your team's culture. Ask simple questions like these to jumpstart conversation and obtain actionable feedback:
- What did we do well?
- What can we do better next time?
Regenerating teams is a challenge that all industries will face following the Covid-19 pandemic. Point of care teams are particularly in need as they are experiencing high incidences of burnout across the board. Prioritizing your team's regeneration with the support of goShadow’s tools is a proven way to help your team feel communicated with, safe, and supported. Providing real-time debrief sessions augmented with a “What Matters to You?” approach can drive lasting change and regeneration in your team.
Sara J. Singer, P. D., & Michaela J. Kerrissey, P. D. (n.d.). Leading health care teams beyond COVID-19: Marking the moment and shifting from recuperation to regeneration. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery. Retrieved May 13, 2022, from https://catalyst.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/CAT.21.0169
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May 13, 2022